Tuesday 1 May 2012

Target Audience Identification

In order to create any media product it is important to identify the pieces target audience, so that the encoder can manipulate the basic codes and conventions in a way that they will appeal to the chosen target audience.  Due to the dark nature and drug based plot of our trailer, coupled with the genre of drama/romance, we highlighted our target audience as 18-26 year olds, due to their more likely exposure to some of the key concepts within our trailer (such as being pressured into drugs). We have also concluded that these 18-26 year olds will be from a lower class background, where these issues are more frequently risen, even though with some prejudice

In order to ensure we are attracting this target audience, it will be important that we make our trailer appeal to them, and by the inclusion of violence as well as extensive drug use, we hope to appeal to this audience. The introduction of romance may also help to attract more feminine audience instead of just the predominantly masculine audience that the violence and drug use would appeal to.