the pulp fiction trailer begins by notifying the audience, with a caption, that the film was voted the best picture of the cannes film festival. This already implies that the film is going to be worth watching, as it has already won a prestigious award prior to its release. This caption is then appeared to be shot at, with the use of special effects, to give the audience an incline that the film will contain some action, appealing to fans of that genre. The initial sound track then begins to play, Dick Dale and His Del Tones – Miserlou, which is a fast paced song, giving conntotation to the actual intense content of the film. Why this song is playing we are presented with short clips from the film where each character is given some establishment. The song is then changed to the slower “youll be a woman soon” by urge overkill, this gives a basic idea to the audience that romance may play a part within this film, again attracting a far greater target audience. This then leads to a voice over naming each member of the main cast ( while a small clip is shown of them). This enables the audience to clearly see the extent of the casts fame, the final actor shown is bruce willis, this is so a lasting impression is left on the audience, as Willis is a world renowned actor. There is also a small clip of conversation between Willis and Travolta, important as its showing the films two main characters in action together. The end of the trailer gives us a hint of humour, which is also another successful and desired ingredient in a blockbluster film. This is delivered when an unknown assailant fires his gun at john Travolta and Samuel L Jackson, only to miss every shot, we are then presented with the iconic image of the two actors looking at the gun man while pointing there gun towards him, the still of this was also used in posters ect and eventually became an iconic selling point. The trailer is then ended on the sound of the gun firing, giving final iteration that the film is predominantly based on crime and action.
I could use some elements of these trailers in my own piece, particlarily by advertising the cast within the trailer, or using different songs and themes for each section of the trailer, this would help to break it down, making it easier for the viewers to digest whats happening, potentially heigtening any appeal that resides for films of similiar genre within the viewer.
I could use some elements of these trailers in my own piece, particlarily by advertising the cast within the trailer, or using different songs and themes for each section of the trailer, this would help to break it down, making it easier for the viewers to digest whats happening, potentially heigtening any appeal that resides for films of similiar genre within the viewer.
Saving private ryan trailer
this trailer commences with carious captions of world war 2 images and clips of 3 seperate letters that are simultaneously being read out aloud, with an occasional phrase being highlighted when it is said. These phrases all imply towards to loss of life and help build up the somber mood this part of the trailer appears to be presenting, they also make clear that film is set in the war, attracting that cliché of audience. We then get more non-diagetic sound played, which depicts two men discussing how a mother will be receiving 3 telegrams notifying her 3 of her sons have died ( the images within the captions are now potraying images on men suffering and dying in combat, then going to a still of the mother looking at presumably the two men), we also get a caption of writing, a special effect, naming these 3 dead men, this helps set the story of the film and also shows us that the writers , Robert rodat, inspiration plays an essential role in the plot of the film. The audio clip concludes when we are informed there is a 4th brother, and whom we can presume to be the senior of the two men, exclaims that they will save the final son. The trailer then moves on to show a close up of the main character who is portrayed by tom hanks, an exceptionally popular and famous actor, oftenly noted as one of the best, by making clear he is themain character the film will already attract an audience and positive attention amongst possible viewers and critics. Clips containing action and warfare are then shown while the text alters to give some more context to the film. Each of the main characters is then given a brief clip displaying them while text displaying their name has been edited in after filming. The title is then shown with a fading shot of a lone figure, almost angelic before a sun set. The screen goes black and the directors name is displayed, and as it’s the successfully and widely respected steven Spielberg, it appears a final incentive to view the film.
The use of the voiceover is something that could work particularily well within my trailer, as it will help me to anchor the plot of my trailer, thus giving any potential viewers a far more substantial idea of whats happening within the film, and why they would want to view it.
The use of the voiceover is something that could work particularily well within my trailer, as it will help me to anchor the plot of my trailer, thus giving any potential viewers a far more substantial idea of whats happening within the film, and why they would want to view it.
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